I'm baaaack! |
I'm still here! Despite my lack of blogging, our cooking (and eating) has not diminished in the least! However, as autumn faded into winter and the Christmas season, I found my creative juices seemed to come to a halt. The month between Thanksgiving and Christmas is always a time where I want to make all the old familiar comfort foods and family favorites. As my mother always reminds me, I like traditions, especially when it comes to holidays. Thanksgiving wouldn't be complete, in my eyes, without cranberry crunch and lumpy mashed potatoes (the lumps are crucial); and December practically screams for warm and creamy foods (and abundant sweets). For a look at what I've been cooking over the past month, you can check out my pinterest page for some insight. I've made nearly everything under the "Fall/Winter Favorites" category.
http://pinterest.com/heathermunoz/fall-winter-food-favorites/ Some of my personal faves were: Gingerbread waffles, Giada's lentil soup, lower-cal fettuccine alfredo, and pork with cherry sauce. Yum!
But not to worry, my posts will be returning. I've got two in the works- one of which will include the incredibly creative and thoughtful (and ridiculous) Christmas gift from my hubby. Oh, did I mention this was our first Christmas together? Here we are at a Christmas Gala in Naples. It's also the picture on my Christmas cards that have yet to arrive...
Isn't he a stud?? :) |